Every child deserves to benefit from a great school library. Mine changed my life. Mine made me a reader for life. The heartbeat of a school, we need to do more. The research presented today at The House of Commons by CILIP: The library and information association and The School Library Association (SLA) is a critical step.

School libraries have been proven to lead to better academic attainment, better learning outcomes, and better attitudes towards learning.

In spite of this fact, the new research confirms that in primary settings:

- 14% of UK schools do not have a library

- 70% of primary school libraries do not have a dedicated member of staff

- Two thirds of primary libraries are open for 6 hours or less during the week

- Two thirds of primary schools do not have a designated library budget

In secondary settings:

- The number of school libraries has dropped from 96% in 2019 to 86% in 2022

- Stock levels also continue to drop

- Just over one in ten libraries add stock on a yearly basis

- Nearly a quarter of secondaries reported not having a designated member of library staff

- Even in those secondaries with library staff, a third receive no training

The disadvantaged gap widens:

- Children eligible for free school meals are least likely to have access to a library space

- Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have less access to fewer books

In addition, independent schools have more than double the number of resources that a LA maintained school has access to.

It is clear from the findings that there is inequality of provision and children are experiencing unequal educational experiences.

We need to create equal opportunities to learning.

We need to better prepare our children for the world of work.

Although there is a big focus on reading for pleasure in schools, we need to ensure that schools have the budget to implement initiatives, to fund a library space, resource a library, and have the books to engage children in reading for pleasure.

The LoveReading and LoveReading4Kids bookstores with social purpose are doing their bit (did you know that for every book bought from us, you can donate 25% to a school?) but we all need to do more. Read about our purpose here

And please, read the Great School Libraries full report at https://www.greatschoollibraries.org.uk/2023research

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Bravo, Alison Tarrant, Nick Poole et al for a great session today.

I'm inspired, incensed, hear your rallying cry and call to arms.

LoveReading4Kids and I are ready for duty!

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