Spoiler alert: it’s possible to enjoy Punchdrunk’s life-enhancing experiences at home, for FREE! Keep reading to find out how…

Fans of ground-breaking theatre are likely to be aware of Punchdrunk’s incredible immersive shows. Variously described by those in the know as “world-conquering theatre rebels”, “trailblazers”, “pioneers of the immersive theatre phenomenon”, and “hands-down the best immersive theatre company in the world”, they’ve been shaking things up and sparking imaginations since dawn of the new millennium. 

So, you can imagine our utter excitement when we discovered the company has another, equally as pioneering (and inspiring) string to its uniquely strung bow. Namely, Punchdrunk Enrichment

Operating as an independent charity, Punchdrunk Enrichment was set up to bring the company’s innovative theatre practices to communities and schools through performances and workshops with — and for — children, young people, families and communities. Put simply, their mission is to create “transformational theatre for education, family and community audiences”.

And all this is founded on a principle that chimes with our own devotion to sharing the pleasure of stories and creativity. Like us, the fine folks of Punchdrunk Enrichment believe creativity should be at the heart of young people’s education, not least because unlocking the imagination serves as a motivational springboard that sees an improvement in skills across the curriculum. Of course, curriculum benefits aside, it goes without saying that creative pursuits are also pretty darn fun, thrilling, and empathy-enhancing  — what’s not to love?

As for how Punchdrunk Enrichment deliver their life-changing mission, let’s take schools as an example. You can take your pick from teacher-led adventures in the classroom, to bigger installation-based projects that deliver for the entire school. These include The Vanishing Land that engages single classes with local geography and the environment, and the three-week Curious Quest extravaganza for the whole school. Head here to explore all the incredible projects.

Beyond the school context, Punchdrunk Enrichment delivers regular community projects, such as the Brent Young Makers initiative that recently invited young people from the area to get hands-on, paid experience in the fields of scenic arts, carpentry, props and set dressing. 

Oh, and if you fancy enjoying the immersive magic of Punchdrunk at home — for FREE — sign up to The Wild Visitor mailing list to access incredible home-based activities that’ll unlock a love of nature through unleashing secrets about the rarely-spotted Hoebble…