Whilst at the National Literacy Trust Primary Conference today we watched a great session by Ruth Baker-Leask, former chair of National Association of Advisers in English (NAAE) who is a consutant, teacher, reader and director of Minerva Learning. Baker-Leask was tasked with exploring strategies for inclusive classroom discussion to the room bursting with practioners passionate about reading and writing for pleasure in the primary setting.

Against the backdrop of The Oracy Skills Framework (OSF) specifies the various skills young people need to develop to deal with a range of different talk situations. The framework has been developed by drawing on available existing resources and research, and in consultation with a range of experts. The OSF is designed to help school leaders, teachers and pupils understand the physical, linguistic, cognitive and social/emotional skills that enable successful discussion, inspiring speech and effective communication. 

For those of us who are shy, oracy will never be easy and it prompted a discussion around shyness versus introverted and how as adults we can help support inclusive discussions and help people find their voice. Shyness is more of an undesirable, umcomfortable feeling of self-consciousness around others. This fear of being judged can lead to physical sensations such a blushing. shaking and speechlessness. Shy people can often be overlooked as adults are worried about causing unnecessary stress but it is important that these children are supported - in order that they find their voice and are properly represented.

There are lots of shy heroes in literature and it's important we shine a light on these to help inspire others. The Boy at the Back of the Class is about the arrival of Ahmet, a new boy in class who intrigues his classmate, as he doesn’t speak, or smile, and disappears at break times. In Katya Balen's October, October her protagonist October is a bird with clipped wings. Torn from her wild world, she implodes, becomes a firework of fury, until she strikes up a bond with a boy named Yusef. For shy sidekicks we have Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter who was overlooked and drastically underestimated. Until he showed his true grit. And we mustn't forget Maud Spellbody in Jill Murphy's The Worst Witch.

Keep scrolling for a selection of books that highlight shyness and celebrate finding your voice. If you liked this Collection, you might also find more recommendations here- Children's Books to Improve Self-Esteem and Build Confidence.

You may also be interested in this Collection of Children's Books about Selective Mutism.