We all know how brilliant, and essential, technology is but it is important to make sure our young people understand how to use it safely.

The books in this collection equip your kids with the skills and knowledge to use technology responsibly and keep safe online. 

Jeanne Willis and Tony Ross have created a brilliant series of picture books that explore these issues through cautionary tales that are both funny but also deliver an important message. Aimed at children under 10, the Online Safety Picture Books tackle issues of cyber-bullying, social media and moderating phone use.

Both entertaining and forewarning, Girl (In Real Life) and Bad Influence both by Tamsin Winter explore the pitfalls of online life and the dangers of too much online exposure.

And for older teens Kissing Emma by Shappi Khorsandi and Influential by Amara Sage are among several YA books that highlight the dangers of social media use, exploring themes of unrealistic life expectations, discrimination, mental health pressures and how social media can manipulate reality.

We also have non-fiction books, including the Social Media Survival Guide and Staying Safe Online, both published by Usborne, that help to develop the skills and understanding needed to navigate the digital world.

Safer Internet Day this year takes place on Tuesday 11 February and encourages everyone to join "Together for a better internet".  Find out more at saferinternetday.org, raise awareness of emerging online issues and work towards a safer, better online world.




Safer Internet Day